Sunday, October 13, 2019

Wyoming Wolf Kill Trophy Zones slaughter 18 Possible Yellowstone Wolves

sacred resource protection zone, protect yellowstone wolves, protect the wolves

Will Yellowstone Wolves be available for your Grandchildren to view?

A total of it appears 18 possible park wolves have already been slaughtered in 2019 altogether 38 thus far in 2019 with 18 possible Park Wolves from the Trophy Zones, and an additional  20 from the general Slaughter Zone in this Bloodthirsty State! Keep in mind that  these are just Wolves that have been reported killed! Does not take into account all that people chose not to report as they are required.

Wolves are a Traditional Sacred Species no less Sacred Than the Grizzly

An estimated 528 wolves Once resided in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem as of 2015.

As of December 2018there were 80 wolves in 9 packs.

A biological count (April 1, 2019) was 61 wolves in 8 packs.

With your help we can work towards insuring that they are!

Help us to put The Indian and Public Trusts to work Today!

Before they wipe out the rest of Your wolves, grizzlies, wild horses.


Please consider becoming a Paid Member with Just $1.00 per month so We are able to call these crooked states out in COURT. We have the Research, the tools, the Attorneys, only missing Ingredient is 57,000 plus followers.

Everyday Possible Yellowstone Wolves are being needlessly slaughtered in Wyoming, and need our Proposed "Sacred Resource Protection Zone", along with proposed regulation changes.

  Help us to put The Indian and Public Trusts to work Today, before they wipe out the rest of Your Yellowstone wolves, grizzlies, wild horses.

Please Consider Joining Our Voice to establish a "Sacred Resource Protection Zone" Surrounding National Parks in Blood thirsty states of Wyoming, Idaho and Montana to begin with.


Take Back the Power that You as the public hold!

What will it take for the Government to Realize that Wyoming has once again proven they are incapable of managing The Public's Federal Resources?


At an Alarming Rate!!!!

Endangered Species List, Oppose Welfare Ranching not Wolves, Protect The Wolves #EndangeredSpeciesList #OpposeWelfareRanchingNotWolves #ProtectTheWolves

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