Monday, February 17, 2020

Wolf vs. Elk: Colorado Complaining

Colorado Hunters slaughter nearly 50,000 Elk per year its reported in Colorado Encyclopedia, and they are complaining what wolves will do? Seriously????

Colorado complaining follows:

Does anyone see the coming conflict with the apparent shrinking number of elk in southwest Colorado, and the reintroduction of wolves?

Increasing bear numbers are part of the problem of fewer calves surviving. Add wolves to that equation and what happens to the elk that are left?

Blaming hunters for a few weeks in the fall does not address the question of year-round predation by these animals that live on deer, elk, livestock, and down to the smaller critters like rabbits.

Whose side are you on?


Source: Letters: Wolf vs. Elk: Whose side will you be on? Endangered Species List, Gray Wolves, Oppose Welfare Ranching not Wolves, Protect The Wolves, Wolves in the News #EndangeredSpeciesList #GrayWolves #OpposeWelfareRanchingNotWolves #ProtectTheWolves #WolvesInTheNews

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