Friday, September 20, 2019

WDFW Wag adds another Fear and Fairy Tale Spreader

WDFW Brings on another Fear and Fairy Tale Spreader ;) Someone that will parrot exactly what WDFW Leaders want parroted

A well-known Spokane-area cross country coach is the newest member of a group tasked with guiding and directing wolf policy in Washington.

Bill Kemp hopes to represent “the small forest landowner” and the career teacher and coach worries that as Washington’s wolf population grows, people will be endangered.

“My kids grew up going out into woods,” he said. “But now with the advent of the wolf, I’m hesitant to let my grandkids go into the woods by themselves.”

Kemp is the newest member of the Wolf Advisory Group, an 18-person voluntary group tasked with representing the interests of environmentalists, hunters and livestock ranchers. There are four openings on the WAG.

Kemp coached cross country at Riverside in Chattaroy for three decades, for which he was inducted into Washington State Cross Country Coaches Association’s Hall of Fame in 2012. The Spokane native graduated from North Central in 1964.

Kemp started studying wildlife management at the University of Idaho, but “went a different direction with Vietnam.”

Since retiring from teaching and coaching, he said that interest in wildlife management has returned. As the owner of 300 acres of land in the Carpenter Ridge wolf pack range, he feels he’s well situated to represent the average citizen in the wolf debate.

Unlike many on the WAG, he doesn’t own livestock and he’s not a “member of any wolf society.”

“I can see all the different perspectives on the issue,” he said.

In particular, he said he has concerns about human safety. As a lifelong hunter, he said he’s seen more cougars in the past decade than ever before. He believes wolves will follow the same course.

Source: Retired Spokane-area coach, teacher joins wolf advisory group | The Spokesman-Review Endangered Species List, Gray Wolves, Protect The Wolves, Wolves in the News, Wolves in Washington #EndangeredSpeciesList #GrayWolves #ProtectTheWolves #WolvesInTheNews #WolvesInWashington

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