Thursday, September 19, 2019

WDFW Wolf post-recovery planning schedule

protect the wolvesStrange WDFW did not do a Press Release on the meeting Changes, appears they were trying to keep them silent. There was no mention in last weeks update that we saw either. These are underhanded methods to keep the majority of the Public away. Meeting Links are posted on Our Website ;)

Wolf post-recovery planning

Since 2008, Washington’s wolf population has grown by an average of 28 percent per year. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) documented a minimum of 126 individuals, 27 packs, and 15 successful breeding pairs during the last annual population survey, marking a population increase for the 10th consecutive year and the highest counts to date. Not only is Washington’s wolf population growing, but its distribution is also expanding westward in the state. In 2018, WDFW biologists confirmed the state’s first wolf pack west of the Cascade crest in the modern era. WDFW is confident that Washington’s wolf population is on a path leading to successful recovery.

Given the pace of wolf recovery, WDFW proposes to develop a post-recovery conservation and management plan for wolves to guide long-term wolf conservation and management under state authority once wolves are considered recovered in Washington and are no longer designated as state or federally endangered.

The development of this plan will be informed by public input. Information on how to provide input is at the link below. Three live, interactive webinars are also available. Each webinar is open to all, will include a presentation, opportunity to ask questions, and information on how to submit comments. Scheduled dates for each webinar are below. Click the link for each to participate.

Tuesday, Sept. 17, 6:00-7:30 p.m.
Wednesday, Sept. 25, 12-1 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 15 6:00-7:30 p.m.


Source: Wolf post-recovery planning | Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife Endangered Species List, Oppose Welfare Ranching not Wolves, Protect The Wolves, Wolves in the News, Wolves in Washington #EndangeredSpeciesList #OpposeWelfareRanchingNotWolves #ProtectTheWolves #WolvesInTheNews #WolvesInWashington

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