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It wasn’t the “white out” the school was looking for.
Two Wyoming high school students were disciplined after dressing as Ku Klux Klan members Wednesday, the Casper Star Tribune reported. The students at Riverton High School were dressed in all-white robes, and one added a pointed white hood, a cross around his neck and carried an American flag.
Terry Synder, Superintendent of Fremont County School District No. 25, which includes Riverton High, told that the Star Tribune that the district would “not tolerate anything that even begins to look like what it looked like.”
The students broke out the all-white Klan look for a “white out”-themed school spirit day, the Washington Post reported. Their punishment was not specified.
“We are an inclusive school that is proud of our diverse population and celebrate that fact regularly,” the school wrote in a statement posted to Facebook Wednesday.
According to the 2010 census, 83.5% of Riverton’s 10,600 residents are white. However, the central Wyoming town is nearly surrounded by the Wind River Indian Reservation.
Source: Two Wyoming high school students dress as KKK members for spirit day - New York Daily News Endangered Species List, Gray Wolves, Oppose Welfare Ranching not Wolves, Protect The Wolves, Wolves in the News, Wolves in Yellowstone, Yellowstone Wolves #EndangeredSpeciesList #GrayWolves #OpposeWelfareRanchingNotWolves #ProtectTheWolves #WolvesInTheNews #WolvesInYellowstone #YellowstoneWolves
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