Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Wolves are beautiful animals that are an important part to many ecosystems.

Letter to The Editor:

Wolves are beautiful animals that are an important part to many ecosystems.

By Tanner Assenmacher


Wolves are beautiful animals that are an important part to many ecosystems. They play important roles in maintaining healthy ecosystems and keep them alive. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service have been considering removing protections of all grey wolves. They have been protected since 1973 under the Endangered Species Act in the lower 48 states. About 5500 wolves inhabit 15% of their historic range today in the United States. They have seen absences in many Western states such as Colorado, Nevada, and Utah, with no wolf populations. Wolves have an effect on hundreds of species in their ecosystems who depend on their role in the food systems.

Wolves have been protected by the government for forty years and without their protections, they will be hunted, trapped, baited, and face wounds of the apex predator, us humans. Taking away protections will reverse the process that has been made for decades and ruin many habitats that will affect other species and will lead to a chain of events that will result in more species to have to worry about, more than ever.  Wolves already face natural threats to their species like habitat destruction and wildfires. Adding more human threats would endanger wolves and eventually could propose a brisk of extinction in the future. Delisting wolves from this Act would have an effect on livestock, interests and regulations of hunting deer and elk, threats to human safety, and more political issues.

It is crucial to maintain the policies of wolf protections and consider even more conservation methods. Making a secure plan for the recovery of wolves is significant at this time and needs legal confirmation to make sure of this. The actions necessary to take now will help and be judged by our future generations. It is important to take steps toward making mutual and peaceful relationships with those who are impacted by wolves in a negative way. Creating political unity is vital to help take steps and moving in the direction of maintaining and recovering the wolf species in American and global ecosystems.


  Endangered Species List, Gray Wolves, Protect The Wolves, Wolves in the News #EndangeredSpeciesList #GrayWolves #ProtectTheWolves #WolvesInTheNews

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